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Meet Our Crew

We are a family who are following our dreams, and that is to drop everything, pack up shop, and set sail with an open course and schedule.  In 2008, the inception of this dream was created. Starting with Bruce (Captain), and Angel (First Mate), along with their two sons Donavan and Spencer (Skippers).  We left Fort Saskatchewan in Sept to travel North America to find the perfect Boat. This process took us 10 months and a lot of learning. After finding the perfect blue water cruiser, Donavan and Bruce ended up sailing “Sparta” up the east coast from Florida to Annapolis Maryland where we had to park her on the hard… Sparta sat there for the next 4 years…Due to unplanned circumstances and life getting in the way we put the family dream on hold.  Now 2012 we have decided that life is just to short to let unplanned circumstances stop us from going after our dreams. So our plan now is to bring Sparta down the East coast , across through the Panama Canal then around up to the West coast of Canada. We are learning as we go and hope to keep all our friends and family updated and entertained with our adventure. We started the 2012 trip with Bruce, Angel, Spencer, Dony, And Steff. But due to circumstances have lost both Spencer and Steffanie to the landlubber life. And on separate occasions drove both to the airport to fly home!  The time and crew may have changed but the goal is the same.  Sparta = NEVER GIVE UP!

Bruce Paton (Captain)

Hello….Is This Thing On?

I was born in a hospital when I was just little.

Eventually I grew up and like stopped partying, met a wonderful woman named Angel.  We did the “have a family and have kids thing” the “marriage thing” and the “we’re crazy” thing and after 24 years there “has to be more to life than this” thing.  I like adrenaline, anything that goes fast and fishing and the ocean and boats and traveling and flying and history and archeology and….and….and….. you get the picture.  However at this age the one thing that’s the fastest in my life is the rate at which the grey hairs are appearing.  So I figured lets bring on the white ones.  Lets get a BIG boat and with no ocean or sailing experience, jump on it and head for the deep blue sea, so that’s what’s going on!


Angel Paton (QuarterMaster)

 Aye Aye and a Bottle of Rum!

Im a Alberta farm girl and a mother of three sons. I am a business owner and always looking for new ideas and seeking new adventures. I like motorcyles, fast cars, shootin’ guns, and always eager to try new things. Which is one the reasons why I am on Sparta experiencing new things, meeting awesome people, and seeing new places. 

See my blog for my new Grey Hairs!



Donavan Paton (First Mate)

Hey There!

Im 18 years old, sailing on Sparta with my parents. I was born and raised in Fort Saskatchewan Alberta and I believe I was ment to experience my prime in the 60’s. I’m always down for new crazy stuff to do, challenges to overcome, and people to prove wrong. I love skateboarding, music, playing guitar, and spending time with my friends and family.  I’ve taken a bartending course and would like to use this skill to maybe travel either backpacking or on a cruise ship!

Look at my blog to see Sparta in my light!

Donavan is currently back on land at home running the family business with his brother.  So for the time being he has abandoned ship!



Missy (Feline Wench)

I’m the pirate (cat) that does absolutely nothing and proud of it!  I’m what’s known as an Alberta hayburner.  I sleep 18 hours a day, beg 5 minutes a day x 8, run out the companionway at every chance I get but I do use the litter box not the head.  I have been gaining weight and burning hay with the Patons now since 2000 which makes me 91 years old and the senior in charge on this ship!  So open my treats, pet me (when I feel like letting you), clean my litter box and stay out of my way!