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The Pirates Return…….The Saga Continues

Posted by on October 1, 2013

einstein (259 x 194)  Here we are once again back in Arnold, MD.  We arrived August 27th, this time short crew.  With just Angel and I the uphill battle continues.  Donavan chose to stay behind and take on his new role as assistant manager of the company alongside his big brother.  Donavan and Morgan are at home and Spencer is now residing in Victoria BC.  All 3 of the boys beginning their lives with dreams, goals and aspirations of a bright future of success.  Mom and dad are off fending for themselves on what is undoubtedly the biggest challenge they have ever faced.

Since our last update much has taken place.  Giving the marina the go ahead on many, many, many system upgrades and replacements.  New engine and driveline, new electrical panels, new fuel system, new fuel polishing system, new water system, new windlass, new dual refrigeration systems, new navigation and new autopilot etc.  This new refit is scheduled for completion by October 20th and the task seems daunting.  The workshop will be updated as time allows.  Our list of things to do is  now pages long and it doesn’t seem to be shrinking.  Only this time we don’t have the kids to use as cheap labour  All joking aside I wish our boys were here with us.  It seems strange as one gets older we wait for our kids to move out and on with their lives but then after they are gone you wish they were back.  Life is far to short to take ANY of it for granted.

There are days when we wonder how or why we ever took on such an endeavor and some days of complete satisfaction.  Each day we have to remember  how fortunate we are, regardless of how bad we may think things may be and have to remind ourselves that others are far less fortunate and because of trials we have personally experienced and continue to experience,  this has become the sum of those trials.

Some tell us it will all be worth it, others think we are completely off our rocker and to be honest I’m not even sure which is more accurate.  This is a dream of ours, and it is one we will see through!  If our bank account had the same stamina as our determination things would definitely be much simpler.

I would rather attempt to do something great and fail……….Than do nothing and succeed!

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